Defining Moments of My Life
conversations with Kurt Cobain's uncle Larry


conversations with Kurt Cobain's uncle Larry
08.29.02 10:41 p.m.

Larry Smith is Donald Cobain's second wife's brother.

He first mailed HSMB years and years ago and then mailed them more recently than that, back in 98. My friend Tyler forwarded me one of Larry's posts from HSMB and I was able to get Larry's email addy from the owner of HSMB, Onno, and Curt P., another Nirvana officianado.

Here is the original email I mailed to Larry

----------Original Message------------From: angel hair Date: Saturday, October 03, 1998 8:59 PM

Subject: Uncle Larry

Mr Smith,

My name is Joey. I'm a 21 year old female who owns a Nirvana mailing list. Territorial Pissings was around before HSMB was, and it was only due to fueding on TP that HSMB spawned. It took most of our subcribers with it. They have about 250 now and we have 70. On both lists you get the usual 20 everyday every other day writers, then the trolls. I'm not on HSMB for one reason, I can't stand lists in digest form. My list comes in both regular and a few different kinds of digests. Im not here to promote my list but rather give you some of my credentials. One thing I think TP has over HSMB is that TP is not moderated at all. I do not check every mail like Onno does. I feel a Nirvana dedicated list should not be monitored, its hypocrasy to do so. My list is like a dysfunctional Nirvana fan family. In fact Nirvana and C Love don't come up as much as we all would like..... Anyway please keep my list in mind if you want to post further. To join TP mail [email protected] (this will not work now) and put subscribe teepee in the body or you can let me know and I will add you myself. Or you can send messages to me and I will forward them on. I have a dear friend named Tyler on the HSMB who forwards good stuff to me. I got the message from you to that list, or was it to Onno (Onno and I are familiar with each other in a listowner to listowner kind of way, he actually admitted to me once that Nirvana wasnt even on his top five favorites list!). I would like to forward you my response to Tyler about your posting. I would like to add that yes if you are trying to get a small forum of Nirvana fans together I would like to be "there" and also I have a few others in mind who would have some serious input. (Jeff Mcrae for example, another good friend, he's done stuff for Mtv before so maybe these forum people have already contacted him about this project, Jeff helps out a lot of different people with their Nirvana websites etc). I first heard Nirvana in a hair salon in soho in 1990 I was 12 years old. My life has never been the same. You couldnt imagine what "knowing" Kurt has done to me (I suppose if one takes time to listen to the lyrics they get to know Kurt...). He saved my life in fact. But if you want hear the whole story let me hear back from you. I dont know if you're "for real" or not. And more importantly, if you are, Im not sure if you want to hear more from me because I'm sure you've heard from a zillion Nirvana freaks already (but Im a freak with credentials dammit!!). about the Dave stuff: on may 4 the foo fighters played a show in columbus ohio where I live, I waited in the back alley for THREE HOURS for that guy, dreaming fatasies about him accepting the invitation to have dinner at my house which was three up from the music hall. I even had a lasagna ready to go remembering old stories of pre-nevermind days when they would sleep on the floors of fans houses..... so Dave ended up bolting out the front door to a car and the busses took off empty, like I never could imagine busses could start off that fast. a used cd store owner friend said to me "you're missing your chance" and I knew I would follow those busses until they or I ran out of gas.... so they went to the downtown (ghetto!) holiday inn and by the time I caught up, the busses were parked and turned off. I was seriously getting out a charge card to get a room so I could pay off the night desk clerk for info or just stalk the hallways "he'll need ice sooner or later twitch twitch...." (please laugh at this!) so right when I was going in Dave comes skipping out, like FROLICKING, and the rest of the guys came out and they were so happy saying things like "great show!" etc they were really happy. then I'm like "Dave!!!!" and he's like UGGG but he talked to me for a good hour or more, just chillin on the sidewalk. He held up the whole entourage for me! I had books that Youri Lenquette put out in france only, I lived in france for a while and anyway I had these books hed never seen. they were all published photoshoots, hundreds of pics, all of Youri's. Incredible really, i'd only seen a few of the pics before I found the books. So Dave rummaged through the books reminiscing about Kurt and I was too busy off in lalalalalalala land to remember much I just remember over and over thinking "he's telling ME Kurt stories!!!!!" and "he's DAVE he's touched Kurt, he KNEW Kurt!!!" and then Dave hugged me a few times Oh it was incredible so fucking just you know... insane. seriously it was the only thing in my intire life that hasnt been a disapointment. I think about things for so long and fantasize them in my head and when they finally happen they suck and Ive ruined it. I'm talking everything from getting my license to sex and god and even true love. But meeting Dave Grohl and talking like that, that's my shining moment. So if you are who you say you are I am humbled.

My love to you for keeping us in mind.joey

----------------------------------this is the email I wrote right after I read Larry's first posts to HSMB:

I cant say Im so emotional that Im crying or anything but yeah that was pretty awesome... I dunno maybe if I hadnt gotten that great convo with Dave I would feel more. I dont know what my problem is. when I talk about kurt in great detail I remember things and feelings and I end up more bitter than probably he was..... so I don't know. I have questions I'd like to ask his uncle but nothing serious. heyyeah itd be cool to know Kurt's favorite things like breakfast cereals and what he watched on tv and stuff like that... but those are all superficialities that I would use only in comparisson to myself, or more realistically to heighten my selfcoolness like hey peanutbutter capn crunch is my fave cereal TOO... big deal, its all like I would be trying to verify that he would verify me and he would like me and I dont think he would have liked me so.... yeah itd be nice to talk to his uncle but what would I have to say besides dumb questions or worse, accusations? which is totally unfair (I used to believe there's no stopping someone that bent on dying, but then I realized people have been stopping me for 15 years...) but thats what I think it would come to. I even sensed it with Dave when he started complaining about Kurt and all his guns, he said something like I shouldnt have let him borrow that gun and have that picture taken (the one with the riffle leaning on the truck looking to (our) left, smiling) I wanted to say yeah you shouldnt have dipshit.... but nopes.... they know they fucked up. I'm going to make a tee that says "its fans like me that killed Cobain" anyway is it even really him? his email says 99% bet that its an aussie server.... Im gonna check it out though.


Larry's response to those two emails:

From "Larry Smith"

I am glad to meet you Joey. First off let me say WOW, you are a powerful writer. I can't believe that you are only 21. And yes, I will certainly include posts to your list. I think I heard of TP before, but thought it was gone long ago. I haven't kept up with things very well. There is evidently a philosophical difference between TP and HSMB, and that is certainly okay. There are people on both lists who must be interested in Kurt or they wouldn't be there.

Tyler e-mailed me and I had a good "conversation" with him. Yes, he seems like a great guy.

You sound so very intelligent, it is almost scary. Again, I enjoyed reading your e-mails.

By the way, my e-mail account is out of Seattle, Washington. Sense Networking is

I guess all I can do to verify my integrity is for you to e-mail Curt Page at:XXXX He knows me and investigated me from when I posted a few things on HSMB quite a while ago.

I hope you read my mail to HSMB well. I wanted to point out that I am not infallible in my memory. And, more importantly, I would NEVER tread on Kurt's dignity. Hope to have more conversations, as well as friendship, with you. Take care. You sound like a wonderful person, Kurt would have benefitted from knowing fans like you.---------------------------------------

>From "Larry Smith"

To: "Joey"

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 21:56:32 -0700

Subject: Territorial Pissings

Well, I tried to subscribe, but it said I had to name what I am subscribing to....why don't you just go ahead and subscribe me, okay? Thanks.

When I gave MTV a tour of Grays Harbor last year I think they might have mentioned Mcrea. although I am not sure.

I hope that this all works out, and I don't get caught in the middle of a fight between two (or more) lists. I am only trying to give some information about a most wonderful teenager named Kurt Cobain, not trying to make him out to be a demigod or anything. He was SO unusual as a person, and I will try to explain that person in my best possible objectivity.

-----Original Message-----

From: angel hair

To: Larry Smith

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 7:49 PM

Subject: forward from HSMB


>diving into who I think Kurt was? Do >you folks want detail, or >should I just make a few posts and get >the heck outta here?

Larry, I want detail. I want the things Courtney refuses to tell us. I understand her view that HE was HERS and when she talks about him, she loses that special HER quality. But I think the roles of Uncle and Wife differ a bit.... I really enjoy and appreciate what you tell us Larry. The background info is helpful.

>I guess my biggest worry, Joey, is coming off >as a "know it all" when it comes to >Kurt.

I think many of us feel that way, though. I know Jeff Mcrae and I could get every question right teamed up if Jeopardy was Nirvana based.... Its not just trivia, well maybe for Jeff it is. But for me I felt like I really knew him, from the lyrics and emotions and interviews etc.

Would you have any problem with me forwarding your posts from HSMB to TP? Tyler sent me an archive of sorts.


From "Larry Smith"

Okay. Thanks! Just need a bit of direction. Of course you can forward my messages to whomever you see fit to. I can't tell you all the things Courtney might have withheld, as I only really knew Kurt from age 11 to 17. I'll do my best.

-----Original Message-----

From: angel hair

To: Larry Smith

Date: Thursday, October 15, 1998 9:34 AM

Subject: fwd posting on hsmb

>Kurt purposely hung out with the "non->jocks" and "losers" because he >>was genuinely interested in their >lives, not because of a rebellious thing.

I never thought of him doing anything as a direct rebellious/antagonistic thing. Well until later when he'd screw with execs etc. Have you read the press release/bio Geffen has for the band? They totally made it up to bullshit them. Its really funny.

>In a way, this actually helps me, >because I can smile at how Kurt was.

I'm glad this does help you. It helps us too. Thanks so much Larry!



From "Larry Smith"

To: "angel hair"

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 18:20:51 -0700

Subject: Re: fwd posting on hsmb

Well. I think you had him "pegged" correctly, Joey. In fact your insight into him is amazing. I can't believe you never knew him, sometimes it sounds like you knew him better than I did. But no, he never really did any antagonistic thing just to rebel. However, he could certainly "get your goat" with words. He was so adamant about things, even when young. I see much of him in you.

I don't have that press release. Wouldn't mind having a copy, or to know where to get it.

--------------------------------------- **if anyone wants the actual emails he sent to the lists talking about his memories of Kurt, email me and I'll forward them. theyre too long to cut and paste....**

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?