Defining Moments of My Life
100 (mostly stupid) questions


100 (mostly stupid) questions
04.01.03 6:38 p.m.

100 Questions

1. Are you an innie or an outie?

An innie. aren't all girls?

2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms?

even before they were cool again...

3. Have you ever written a song?


4. Can you make change for a dollar right now?

in pennies, yes.

5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet?

many many times

6. Have you ever smelled your own feet?

uh huh

7. Do you like catsup on or beside your fries?

I'd rather have it on the side, unless Im driving then I pour it all in with the fries and then shake up the bag so they get evenly coated. I don't like fries all that much.

8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?

No, but I can touch my tongueRING to my nose!

9. Have you ever been a boy/girl scout?

long story.

10. Have you ever broken a mirror?

once on accident and the one time I smashed my rearview mirror in the car on purpose.

11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole?

Yes and it didnt stick.

12. What is your biggest pet peeve?

injustice, being powerless

13. Do you slurp your drink after it's gone?

my high school friend's sister's nickname was Slurp. I don't think it was cuz of a soda.

14. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?

I've blown bubbles in wine before.

15. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper?

when I got back from france and having not eaten any meat for the three months I was there Whopper's were on sale for 99 cents for two whole months. I gained about 40 pounds.

16. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?

with the 6 most sexiest kids in my graduating class. They assured me that they realy wanted to see my boobs but I'm still convinced I was asked along on a dare or as a joke.

17. When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic?

do they even offer paper anymore?

18. True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza.

I'm not satisfied with any food I dont cook myself so I'd go for the pizza cuz it would be less money wasted on crappy food. also I've never had truly BAD pizza, but I've had REALLY bad steak.

19. Did you have a baby blanket?

I had a special pillow. Had it until my brother left it at the crackhouse he was living in.

20. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?

No one but me cuts my hair.

21. Have you ever sleepwalked?

not in that sense.

22. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds?

I dont think Ive ever had a birthday party.

23. Can you flip your eye-lids up?

used to be able to but I grew out of that talent.

24. Are you double jointed?

oh yeah, that's one of the problems I have with my joints.

25. If you could be any age, what age would you be?


26. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair?

Yeah and instead of trying to get it out my mom had my hair cut from my waist up to my neck. that was 4th grade.

27. Have you ever thrown up after a roller coaster ride?


28. What is your dream car?

gas/electric hybrid toyota

29. What is your favorite cartoon of all time?

Simpsons, Thundercats, Voltron.

30. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child?

(grabbing towel) where's this place at?

32. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?

only the mint flavored kind.

33. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first?

lay on the horn and roll the windows down.

34. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

a couple times.

35. Can you pick something up with your toes?

I could probably write with my toes if my knees cooperated.

36. How many remote controls do you have in your house?


37. Have you ever fallen asleep in school?

I used to pretend to be asleep then listen to all the awful things the other kids would say about me.

38. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year?

Once, only three times in my life

39. How many foreign countries have you visited?

4. Canada, France and other places when younger

40. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal?

I wouldnt compete for a big gawdy medal even if I was in shape.

41. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy?

I would rather be poor and happy than rich and happy...

42. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float?


44. Do you ask for directions when you are lost?

asking for directions is usually the reason why I got lost in the first place.

45. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean?

is that some kind of drink or something?

46. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland?

maybe a little bit of both. I'm cinderella with alice's fucked up vision of reality.

47. Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points?

it's probably easier to sharpen the crayons than to catch ants, so Id take the crayons. Though it'd be cool to tell everyone you had an INVISIBLE ant farm that way you dont have to worry about them dying or escaping etc.

48. Do you prefer light or dark bread?

rye bread is my fave but I only like it with poultry or tuna.

49. Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs?

Scrambled eggs ONLY

50. Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas?

too often.

51. Do you talk in your sleep?


52. Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn?

shovel snow, rather be cold than hot.

53. Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake or constricted by a python?

I'd go with the bite because the idea of being constricted irks me.

54. Have you ever played in the rain?

yes but only when it rains.

55. Which of these do you think is more dangerous: an angry bear or a hungry white shark?

the bear

56. Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten?

mmm kitten

57. Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?


58. Do you drink pepsi or coke?


59. What's your favorite number?

13, 22, 27

60. If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car?

is a jeep wrangler considered an suv?

61. Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel?


62. Would you blow your nose at the dinner table?

My idea of manners is quite different than those of others.

63. Have you ever slipped in the bathtub?

many times.

64. Do you use regular or deodorant soap?

I dont know.

65. Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?

not that I can remember though I've had other people lock me out....

66. Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices?

Singing cowboy actually sounds like more fun than being a simpsons voice.

67. If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be?

Courtney Love hehehe

68. Have you ever gotten a truck driver to honk his horn?


69. Which would you rather live with: a huge nose or crossed eyes?

crossed eyes are cheaper to fix (patches) than a huge nose (surgery) though if I'm not allowed to fix it then I'd rather have both in order to complete the package.

70. Would you hang out with someone your best friend didn't like?

I dont have a best friend.

71. Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didn't like?

I dont like anyone so I'm used to hanging out with people I dont like!

72. Have you ever returned a gift?

no but I've given away duplicates.

73. Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you?

lol yup

74. If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be?

is skateboarding an olympic event yet? snowboarding then.

75. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

4 pair converse, one pair dress/goth shoes and my doc marten's steel toes (AKA soulmate)

76. If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her?

my gramms was always good about giving me her unused prescription refills.

77. Do you sing in the car?

I'm singin about 75% of the day.

78. Would you rather jump into a dumpster or into a vat of honey?

I fucking hate honey. Dumpster diving should be a sport.

79. What is your favorite breed of dog?

Boggy. (smart cute and furry)

80. Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter?

I'd use the money to get starys fixed so they wont breed more strays.

81. If you were a bicycle, would you be a stingray or a mountain bike?

what the hell is a stingray? I'd be a bmx-trick bike....

82. What is your least favorite fruit?

all melon except watermelon

83. What kind of fruit have you never had?

I havent ever tried anything exotic except pomegranate and I REALLY like those.

84. If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick?

Kroger's seeing I owe them over a thousand in bad checks anyway.

85. What brand sports apparel do you wear the most?


86. Are/were you a good student?

when I go.

87. Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat?

if I had any friends I could probably beat them all.

88. If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in?

coast guard so I can get mad free drugs.

89. Would you ever parachute out of a plane?

actually I'm pretty interested in jumping out of/off of high places...

90. What do you think is your best feature?

my karma

physical: my eyes

91. If you were to win a grammy, what kind of music would it be for?

spoken word poetry with noise accompaniment.

92. What is your favorite season?


93. How many members do you have in your immediate family?


94. Which of the five senses is most important to you?


95. Would you be a more successful painter or singer?

are any painters successful?

97. How many years will/did you end up going to college?

years total? should I count the ones I dropped out of etc... been going to colleges on and off since 95. I have over 200 credits.

98. Have you ever had surgery?


99. Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player?

they should play football on ice. YEAH!!!

100. What do you like to collect?

enemies, bad habits, & cats

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?