Defining Moments of My Life
mmmm food....


mmmm food....
04.13.03 8:37 p.m.

Finally fell asleep around 1:30 after Eric ventured out into the word to get us some food. Eric has been sick cuz he ate something funky last night, plus all the other "hangover"ish feelings after doing a couple hits of pretty strong acid. That and he was still recovering from the tequilla incident on Wednesday. The refreshments provided at the party were given to the hostess by a friend who had catered a wedding earlier that day. I knew something was shady when the hosts of the party ordered a pizza for themselves and didn't eat any of the food they'd provided. I munched a couple chicken strips, which didnt even taste good with catsup on them, and stuck to the brownie bites the rest of the night. The brownies were stale, and believe me, you have to leave a brownie out for at least a couple days for it to get that stale. Growing up having to fend for yourself you learn how long something can sit out before it's not safe to eat anymore. Your stomach also gets accustomed to this sort of behavior. When we were fortunate enough to get pizza and have enough for leftovers, I knew that if it sat on the stove all night, it was still ok to eat the next morning, and maybe to take some for lunch. But anything that sat out for more than 12 hours was bad. If it was stuck in the fridge then they'd be good for a couple days. Now because of the years that I ate leftovers that were put away by Lon "CROSS : )CONTAMINATION!" Lahey I cant eat pizza that's sat out all night without getting sick from it. Certain things can be left out longer than others. Baked goods, ok. Peanuts, chips... things with preservatives, all ok. Mayonaise, NOT ok... fish, NOT ok. We all know this right? Well the rest of the crap they served at the party was stuff with mayo or fish in it or else it was stuff I won't eat. I don't eat things with a lot of different ingredients in them. I dont like mixing tastes in my mouth its all gotta be homogenous. I like things that are plain, stuff I had when I was a kid. I guess my taste buds never grew up either. Anyway one of the other things they served was some weird shrimp thing. It looked like pasta salad, the cold kind made with different colored rotini and italian salad dressing... except instead of the pasta it was shrimp. I FUCKING HATE FISH!!! I have certain rules about eating: 1. I dont eat anything that looks like it's already been eaten. 2. NO FISH!!! Then they had some rice with all sorts of crap in it, probably crayfish. They do that down here, try to sneak crayfish into everyfuckingthing. "Mmm this pizza is pretty good, what are these exotic mushrooms here?" "Oh dem's crawdads, I get em out of the mud puddle in my driveway." another rule I have about food: 3. I don't eat anything that either eats its own shit or lives in it. (Please don't point out any hypocrisies, I'm well aware of them and am working to erase them.) There were other foods there, I dont know what they were. Some dried tomatoey things, I can't remember. There was stuff I probably would have eaten, like the nuts, except they were peppered. YES they fucking put jalepano juice ON THE FUCKING MIXED NUTS! another rule: 4. NO SPICES!! Fucking goddamn texmex peppers ARRGH!!! They use peppers... all kinds of peppers... the ones you dont even taste on a dare, drunk out of your mind at a Steak & Shake at 4am! They use them like it's fucking salt. Or sugar even. I bet International Delights is going to come out with a new habenero flavored coffee creamer for these sick fucks!! I'm fucking sick and tired of biting into something I'm hoping will taste good, at least ASSUMING it doesn't contain an ingredient that could kill me.... Yup, I've revealed a weakness: peppers. You wanna stop this parading bull? PEPPERS. My eyes water and I cant see straight, my skin tightens, my throat starts to constrict, I can't breathe, hives build up out of my skin, I hyperventilate, my vision goes black, and I pass out. Not all peppers do this to me though. But anyway, if you go into the run-of-the-mill Houston diner and order scrambled eggs, I'll guarantee they're coming with either crayfish or peppers, but most likely both. So Eric munched that shit all night, fish and mayonaise stuff that had sat out NOT ONLY all night at the party but ALL DAY at the wedding reception.... And can you imagine how many hands touched that food... how many coughs and sneezes etc that shit has sponged up? Anyway... I slept all afternoon. I woke up at 6:30 pm cuz I was having a very bizarre dream. Seen the QOTSA "Go With The Flow" video yet? It was colored like that, (my whole world is colored like that, red and black, red for anger, black for sorrow) and the end of the video where it gets super-trippy... the sperm swimming around... those were swimming around in the dream too. I guess it would be easier to say that I was in the video scoring with the itsy-bitsy polka dot bikini bitch instead of whathisface Screaming Trees dude. I woke up when I was in the ocean, (it was VERY salty, and with all the swimming sperm in the dream I guess the salty water is relevant lol). And the fruit: the only thing not in the QOTSA video that was in my dream was this part in the super salty ocean, where all this gorgeous fruit washing up. Strawberries, (my favorite food of all time) Peaches and Pears. All of my favorite fruits, and all things I associate with having sex with women. (Believe me, this makes sense to me... EVERYTHING makes sense to me muhahaha) I'm in this super-salty water with MAD HOT women... fucken HOT ok... hot like the polka dot chick from the QOTSA video, hot like the dancer from the video for RHCP's "Zephyr Song", HOT like my girl Brittany I mean they were FUCKING HOT. I was even hot. I usually am in my dreams though. (I dream idealism, I dream my potential.) So I'm in the salty water, with hotties, and fruit... feeling up the fruit... checking to see if it's RIPE or not. Yeah it was fucking hot. I woke up sweating. I know what it means, I always know what my dreams mean. This was a very interesting one. Anyway, I've been working on this entry for an hour now, mixed in some nice chat with a friend, and cooking myself some rice. FYI I am the most picky eater... obviously. But you wouldn't guess by looking at me.... There are only certain things I like, and I try new things but I end up sticking to old faves. Pretty much I just stick to meat, cheese, and a starch.... except with meats I only like beef and boneless, skinless chicken breast. Same with beef too, I don't want it with crap hanging off it, like bones and grissle.... Potatos are fantastic, and rice and other starches. I pretty much eat the same thing every day: cereal of some kind, rice of some kind, chicken breast of some kind, potato or noodle of some kind, vegetable of some kind. OK this has gotten retarded, so before I start licking the windows of the short bus and asking "where's my helmet" I'm gonna go to Denny's for endless coffee and to work on my 4th step. Maybe I'll dig out my sketchbook and try to recreate being in the ocean with the hotties, knowing all-too-well that anything I create (or do or say...) will never compare to what it's like in my mind. *le sigh*

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?