Defining Moments of My Life
mmmmm, fooooood


mmmmm, fooooood
01.16.05 1:46 p.m.

I'm going to have to change the name of this diary to "reallyphatgrrl" or "superphatgrrl" or something. Yesterday I had a slice of Pudgies while waiting on my baked ziti dinner, which came with a salad and garlic cheese bread. The times I wake up to pee, now Im hungry as well and I can see further in the pregnancy that I'll be getting out of bed every two or three hours to piss AND snack. It's ridiculous. Physically I dont need to gain ANY weight for the baby to be healthy, in fact the nurse I saw said it'd be possible to lose weight still. I just need to control the appetite, and when they come, control the cravings too. After eating all that lunch yesterday my tummy was still grumbling an hour and a half later. I still think all the weight gain is going to my boobs.

Sleep has been interesting. It's a lot like the heroin sleep, the deep naps that last a couple hours, wake up and piss, sleep some more. The dreams are wacky also, every sleep has a dream. Yesterday my favorite one was me cruising along the streets here in Canandaigua with Jason from the Friday the 13th movies. He was my brother, it was all good. I was driving and he'd point at some girl on the sidewalk "Her?" and I'd say "Nah, she's not skinny enough." and keep driving, then I saw a girl I liked and said "Right there, that anorexic one." I'd slam ont he brakes pulling over and Jason would jump out of the car and stab them all into hamburger. Face it, it would be nice to have abig brother like Jason.

When I finally got a hold of Prett to tell him he's gonna be an uncle, the whole time I was on the phone with him there was this "bloooooooop bloooooooooop" goin on in the back ground. Finally it got too annoying and I said "What the fuck, turn the fire alarm off" "Oh That's not a fire alarm, that's the evacuation notice... the dam is breaking and we had to leave the city but they wouldnt give us time to move our shit upstairs so we snuck back through the barricades. I probably shouldnt be dicking around on the phone..." "Ya think?!" I guess the dam was going and to avoid a total bust and having to rebuild the whole dam they were just gonna let all the water through the hatches or some shit. My bro's apartment is right near a stream that run off the river there and I havent talked to him yet but his place prolly got all fucked up. Hopefully he moved all his electronics upstairs, and also I hope he remembered that scorpions prolly cant swim. People tend to forget pets when disasters happen. Take the tsunami, imagine how many animals died if almost 200,000 people did... and it's not like there's a great aid rush for all the sick and starving animals, or to house them or make sure any endangered species are intact.

so anyway I need to get some groceries and do laundry and shower all before 3:30 when I'm supposed to meet some coworkers for dinner at one of their houses, tho she's vegan and says we'll be making soup so I may play "morning sickness, I need sleep" and cancel.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?