Defining Moments of My Life
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work description
11.13.03 4:45 p.m.

Anne Rice turned out very cool though not many fans followed the "Dress Festive" suggestion. I bought two books, came to $58. I thanked her for creating such wonderful worlds, she said that she really liked my skirt (burgundy velvet gypsy skirt) and that she wished more people would have dressed up.

AmerCorps graduation was disappointing, mind you I wasn't expecting much either. No certiicate from the mayor, no mayor at all... our keynote speaker sucked, everything sucked really, no actually the three members who spoke about their service were the best parts of the ceremony. It was poorly planned for sure. At least it's all over. I went into work today to get things organized for my replacement, ended up being there 5 hours. I did my pre-service orientation while there. I also got Stephanie to show me exactly what is in my job duties and what other extra stuff she could have me do. There isn't much in my required job duties: general front desk admin work like answering phones, helping walk-ins, monitoring students attendance, punctuality, dress code and conduct. I also monitor the community service workers (sign them in, tell them what to do, make sure they stay in the school and not go shopping in he mall). I'm responsible for having the computers and lights off, make sure all the doors are locked. I also do some paperwork. I make sure all students sign in and out at the right time, make sure they sign their names. Then I add up the hours every student was in class the day before and put it all in the database. Not too hard but very important. Extra jobs would be to tally the community service hours and fill out their paperwork for the probie officer or courts, also to check and sign AmeriCorps timesheets. I'll do other crap too. Hopefully Angie won't come back. I'm thinking of getting my hair cut tomorrow. I want to apply for apartments on Saturday too.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?