Defining Moments of My Life
longest entry ever


longest entry ever
11.16.04 5:26 p.m.

I know, I need to update more. I only have excuses. I haven�t been working much,. In fact, this is the third week in a row where I�m getting around 20 hours and this week in particular I�m scheduled for only two days. I spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday in a druken stupor. I spent Sunday, Monday and this morning with Greg, fucking like the world�s coming to an end. The relationship is new, and we have a lot of catching up to do seeing he and I both have been seriously under-fucked for the past year or so. I�ve had a couple of guys that could keep up with me, but nothing like this. Those guys were all coked up too, so it doesn�t count that they�d have stamina. Greg, though drunk off his ass, somehow made me orgasm 22 times in the span of 24 hours, none of them being self-assisted or self-inflicted in the least, this was Saturday night to Sunday night, AND he didn�t cum till this morning. He spent Sunday and Monday nights here at the house. He called in sick to work yesterday and slept the whole fucking day. He passed out around 9pm Sunday, slept for half an hour and I was able to get him moving again. We walked to karaoke and he hung on till I sang one song then we walked over to Heather�s trailer behind the bar, where he passed out for 4 hours. She brought a party back from the bar so I managed to snag us a ride to my house about 3am. He slept from 4am till 2:30 pm when he woke up to call into work, and then he slept from 3pm till 5pm when he woke up to eat some of the pork roast dinner I�d made, then fell back asleep again till 10pm. We were up till 6am, but back in bed until 12:30pm. Now if my math is right (which it probably isn�t) he slept roughly 27 hours. He slept through me taking out all his earrings (5-6 in each ear) and cleaning them, AND he slept through a manicure too. I didn�t want to press my luck with a haircut. When he woke up he was very hungry. We ordered pizza and stayed home to watch movies. His last drink was Sunday night before we left karaoke, he didn�t drink at all Monday, and surprisingly DTs haven�t set in yet. Tonight is Dollar Draft night at the Farmer�s so I�m sure he�ll be pretty fucken cocked tonight after the day of rest.

Lots of fucked up shit happened, some good and some bad. My nights are all messed up, I don�t know if I went to karaoke on Wednesday. I think I did but I only sang one song. Maybe that was the Sunday before last. I can�t remember when I worked last either. But Thursday night I was at the Pick cuz Tabs has a job there now and they had karaoke. I got there late cuz I rode my bike (and now I�m remembering that Greg spent the night Wednesday and rode my bike to work Thursday afternoon, where I walked to later and got my bike, then rode down to the Pick�). I sang Audioslave pretty well. I cant remember Friday. Maybe I worked Friday. Yeah, I think I did (???). Saturday I was at the Pick again, playing beer pong with Gary. I haven�t played much beer pong, frankly cuz I don�t like beer and think that drinking games are a waste of time (just drink he shit) but I�ve started drinking beer (cheaper than whiskey, and I don�t start shit on a beer buzz). It turns out that I am pretty fucking good at beer pong, I have the same advantage as I do with darts, besides having decent aim and steady hands, I am also able to lean VERY VERY far, on one foot, and throw accurately. The teams we were beating (we ran the table for four hours and by the end of the night were BEGGING for someone to beat us) would even call over one of the bartenders and ask if what I was doing was legal� �As long as her body doesn�t touch the table she can lean as far as she can� �But that�s not fair, she�s doin some yoga shit!� My balls didn�t even touch the cups, nothin but beer. I look forward to playing more beer pong in the future.

Greg and Nicole got into a HUGE fight in front of the Pick that night. I had walked over to the Farmer�s to get the coat I�d forgotten and could hear them yelling in front of the Pick from the parking lot of the Farm. It�s a good distance. She took off out the back door and was gone about 5 minutes before she came back and told him to get his shit out of the truck. It was close to closing time and they were in the back parking area arguing again. Greg took off walking, first towards his house and then towards main street down to the lake (and what I hoped to be towards Heather�s). I was on my way to Heather�s trailer, she was gone for the weekend and had left Gary there so we were gonna do an after hours thing, we already had beer that Greg bought and Jenn had already taken Gary and the beer there. Jenn was going to come back for me and Greg but then that shit happened with Nicole, so I met Jenn at some corner and we cruised up to see if Greg was at home, or walking somewhere. I had her take me to the trailer, I figured he�d call my cell, or show up, and if not I�d see him the next day, no big deal. I was glad he was breaking up with her for good. Which, it seems, is a difficult task, which leads us into Sunday�

I was at the trailer for about a half an hour. Long enough for me and Gary to smoke a bowl and have a heart to heart. Then my cell phone rang and it was Greg asking for directions from Rosie�s trailer which is in the same park. He was pretty drunk and I knew where her place was so we walked over there to get him, ended up smoking some more with her and Rocky (one of the bartenders at the Farm who�s living with her while her husband�s in prison�) then coming back to the trailer. We hung out listening to the radio and smoking more weed for a while then Gary fell out in the room Greg and I slept in the last time we were there. We didn�t want to fuck up Heather�s bed so we fucked up the couch instead. Much love was made with the radio on and at one point that newer Limp Bizkit song came on, I actually like that song a lot (shhhh), and I started cracking up cuz he was fucking me really good at that point and I said to him that now I�m going to associate that song with getting fucked really good but probably wont remember why and I�ll end up getting inexplicably horny whenever I hear Fred Durst�s voice. It�s funny, I was right. Sunday we walked over to Jose and Willy�s, split a burger and fries and watched the Packer game and the Nascar race simultaneously. Everything was cool until we decided to go over to MacGreggors to see if Erin was working and to say hello. Greg was in a fighting mood, he�d started drinking and maybe was still drunk from the night before, and he kept wanting to walk up to the Farmer�s to pick another fight with Nicole. I guess she�d followed him on foot for a while the night before and then followed him in the truck begging him to get in and talk, the whole way down Main street. I know when Jenn dropped me off at Heather�s, Nicole�s truck was at McDonalds, parked to where she could see what was going on inside Rosie�s trailer. I got him to agree to MacGreggor�s before the Farm. I didn�t want to go down there, I felt he�d throw me in her face. He keeps bringing up how little sex they had, as if that was their only problem, and he says that I�ve fucked him almost as often in two weeks as they�ve fucked in their whole 8 month relationship. Yes, I like sex and I�m good at it. No, I am not your go to girl whenever you want to nut. It�s not like that at all, and if I were in a similar situation I would feel the itch to tell the old boy how well the new boy fucks me, but I wouldn�t do that. Not that I�m not vindictive enough to do something like that, it just seems immature. I don�t like feeling like a trophy, and I think that�s what he wanted to do with me Sunday night by going to the Farmer�s so I talked him into MacG�s instead. I was coming back from the bathroom and I see across the bar Greg reaching for his coat and there�s a big dude standing in front of him. Then I hear words start flying, I go around the back way so that I�m standing behind the guy and he doesn�t notice me. Greg�s saying �all I want is my coat man, what�s your problem� and the big guy talking more shit to Greg. Greg has told me many times that he�s never been in a fight, that he wont fight. Greg is like a hundred and forty pounds, it�s a good idea for him not to try to fight anybody. The guy is talking more shit and Greg says �Look, I didn�t mean to say anything, Im fucking drunk, all I need is my coat, I don�t think I said anything rude to you but if I did I�m sorry� and then out of nowhere the dude SLAMS Greg in the face, and I�ve got a barstool in my hand but the bouncer, some fat italian short fuck bouncer named Gary (whose brother tried to date rape Tabs and Jenn one night by putting shit in their drinks and when we made a complaint to the management �not knowing it was douchebag bouncer�s brother- Jenn and Tabs got kicked out for a month) shoves me out of the way and starts pulling apart the big guy and Greg. Greg didn�t throw any punches and the other guy got about 5 in, two of them landed pretty well, one of them blacking his eye and bouncing his head off the wall back into his fist. Time slows down, I see slow motion, almost like the Matrix but not that dramatic of course, during fights and situations of �danger�. The big guy�s friends all come over and the bouncer escorts him to the door. Joe the bartender tries to call the cops but the phone has been off the charger and is dead. My cell is with Gary, also dead, and no one else is coming forth with a cell of their own for us to use so the asshole bouncer lets the guys go, saying he got his name and will add him to the No Serve list. Joe was adamant about getting the guy�s license but the bouncer was dragging him to the door. A few minutes later we went over to MacG�s, cuz Joe wouldn�t serve Greg any more shots, for fear of concussion. At MacG�s Trell comes out and Greg recants what happened. Trell says �Big Italian fuck, black leather jacket, black nice shirt, khaki pants? His name�s George Fillafone, he was in here about an hour ago trying to start shit with me back in the kitchen.� Turns out the dude is Trell�s girlfriend�s ex boyfriend. AHHH� George must not like the fact that he lost his girl to a black guy�. Specially a black guy like Trell, who doesn�t have a car or license or a well paying job or an apartment and who isn�t all that great looking either. He must have SOMETHING she wants though� and he�s a very nice guy too. Trell is off work now so we all walk down to the Farm, cuz they gotta tell the story. We get down there and they�re halfway through when the motherfuckers walk into the bar. I never got a good look at the guys to begin with and the one who punched Greg had changed shirts and wasn�t wearing his coat anymore so I didn�t think it was them until Greg went into the bathroom and one guy followed him in there. I was by the door in a second waiting to hear scuffles, HOPING to hear scuffles, cuz Ive never beat up a man in the mens room before and I had already thought of about a dozen things I could do to that fucken whop dago in such a small, disgustingly filthy bathroom. That bathroom is so dirty that I�m fairly certain I could scrape up floor scum and sell it to bio-terrorists� and I planned to make him lick it clean. But no, only words were exchanged. Greg came out and back over to where we were sitting. Trell had long since disappeared. He called his girl the second we walked into the bar and had just made it into the car when they pulled up. The girl should have said something to her ex, but she drove off. I know if one of my ex�s tried shit like that, Harlan was pretty close having people watch my house n shit, I�d have some words to say to him. As the guys were pulling up they saw this other black guy named Brian shake hands with Trell as Trell was leaving. They started shit with that guy saying they were gonna kick the shit out of anybody who�s down with Trell. They were surrounding him and George said �I�ll give you a three scond head start nigger, that�s more I gave that white boy at the other bar.� Unbeknownst to him, I was standing right behind him again (Old Crow didn�t name me �Walks on Wolf Paws� for no reason mother fuckers). I basically BREATHED my words onto the back of his neck �I�m down with Trell, you gonna kick the shit out of me too?� And when he turned around he ran into me cuz I was so close. I had my back to the door blocking their way inside and blocking the rest of his people, and Greg, from coming out (he�d called about 4 guys, and funny, Gary, the fat fuck bouncer from Jose�s, was one of them�). With my back to the door I had protection and an escape, also I had a height advantage cuz the guy was only an inch taller than me to begin with but where I was standing was sloped and I had a good four inches on him now. The look in the black guy�s eyes, man, hate and fear, I know that look, it was in my eyes for my whole childhood and part of my adult life until I lost the fear and kept the hate�. He gave me a head nod and got the fuck out of there once I had everybody�s attention. �You like to fuck niggers too huh?� �I like to fuck the guy you punched down at Jose�s� �Maybe I�ll go punch him again�� �Maybe I�ll have a nice steak dinner after I sell your kidney to my friend Butter down in Harlem� �Would you listen to this bitch� you know you�re lucky I don�t hit dumb fucken bitches like you� �I know, that�s why I�ve won every fight with a man that I�ve been in, cuz dumb fucken bitches like you lose either way.� �and how�s that?� �well do you want to be known as the man that beat the shit out of a girl, or the man who got his ass beat by a girl? I usually don�t let bitches like you make the choice, I just come out all Hannibal Lector on their asses and start biting off noses and fingers and ears and whatever else happens to land in my mouth.� PAUSE cuz Im turning my face into steel, waiting to get punched. No punch came. �Now they still might serve you over at Big Johns, you might want to be making your way over there, and you might want to take your double whopper friend Gary with you� George looks to his one friend and says incredulously under his breath sort of �who does this bitch think she is�� and the friend says �I don�t know man but I think we should go check out Big John�s�� and George says �yeah, maybe that nigger friend of Montrell�s went thataway�� I went back in the farm and told Greg I wanted to go back to Jose�s for karaoke. We ended up at The Pick. On our way out the front door of the farm, Nicole was standing out where I just had been confronting the Italians. He yelled something at her, which she didn�t hear. A while later she comes into the Pick and asks if I want to smoke a bowl with her. I go outside and she asks if Greg is still mad at her. She seems to think they are still together. She wants him to come outside and talk. She wants to give him a ride home. He wont talk to her, not even to tell her to fuck off. I make up some shit, saying he�s gonna walk me down to karaoke. I told her that he said he was too drunk to talk to her right now, that he didn�t want to get into any more fights and that he�d talk to her at work. That�s when she offered him a ride home. I went back in to figure out what to do and he was passed out at the bar. It took me 20 minutes to get him moving and by that time Nicole had left. We walked to karaoke, I sang a song and then we went to heather�s where he passed out. Gary said that Nicole showed up at karaoke shortly after we�d left asking for directions to the trailer. THEN when that party showed up and I�d gotten us a ride to my house at 3 in the morning, we pull up and Nicole�s truck is in my driveway. Rick�s camper is not. �What the fuck Greg� she�s stalking us now.� I was gonna get the guys to give Greg a ride to his house but Greg was awesome and said �No, we�re going inside, we�re walking right by her in the truck and we�re going to bed.� We walked right by the truck but she wasn�t in it. She was up smoking weed with Rick in his bedroom. Greg walked right into my room like he knew exactly where it was, sat on my bed and took off his shoes. I went between the rooms, as did Rick, who was saying all kinds of bullshit like �well isn�t this going to be a fun time� which led us both to believe he orchestrated the whole thing, having Nicole give him a ride home and stay there until we showed up. We all smoked, I talked to Nicole some �Is he still mad at me� �I�m not sure but if he�s not talking to you and ignoring you that might be a sign� �well Im sure this will all blow over� and Im thinking �what the fuck is wrong with you you psycho bitch, Ive been fucking him for a month HELLLOOOOOOOO IS THERE ANYFUCKINGBODY IN THERE???!!!!!!� Things climaxed when Rick got up and said �Let�s shut the door, the light is bothering me� and before he was back on the bed he was talking shit about me and Greg, and I�m pretty sure he told her we�d been fucking, or at least that he thinks we were. I heard �it�s been going on for a few weeks now. I�m not sure how many times he spent the night before it happened though� and then I heard �no, Ive never actually heard them or seen them or anything, he�s just here when I wake up, but I�m sure that SOMETHING, I mean COME ON�.� I couldn�t hear what Nicole was saying but it was easy to figure out from Rick�s answers. It was cold in my room, I got up against the wall cuz the heat vent is under there, and I covered up in an afghan. From her view I looked laid back and comfortable, but my legs were bent up under me anticipating springing onto her if she came at Greg or myself. Instead she came in and said �You gonna need a ride home?� and Greg said �Probably not� and there was only a slight twinge of asshole in his voice when he said it too, he said later on that he didn�t mean for it to come out jerky, he asked how mean it sounded. Rick walked her downstairs, Greg shut the door, and we were naked before the truck even started. We finished our fuckfest about 6am. She called Monday afternoon around 2:30pm. Then she called at 1am leaving a message that said, �It�s Nicole, do you wanna hang out?� We haven�t heard from her since. Who knows how many times she�s driven past the house though. It�s seriously starting to creep me out.

Tonight I�m meeting Greg at the Farmer�s. It�s $1 draft and $2 well night, and Im pretty sure I�ll be cocked enough to say to her �You know how Greg spent the night Sunday? Well he slept in my bed� and he stayed there all day Monday and Monday night as well, and it wasn�t the first time either. I�ve liked him a long time, and the feelings are mutual. I didn�t want to come between you two but your relationship has been fucked up the whole time and it has nothing to do with me. I�m sorry, but Greg is not your boyfriend anymore. Please stop following him around and please stop calling me, it�s obvious that I am not your friend.� And that�s about as nice as I can be.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?