Defining Moments of My Life
I got Cassidy a real pony...


I got Cassidy a real pony...
09.25.06 12:51 p.m.

The landlady Sue is adding me to her cell plan for $40 a month. She has the phone for me already and it might be turned on today. When we tried to call Verizon their line went dead (pretty funny huh).

Discover card is dragging me into court. I'll probably have to start a bankruptcy. No big deal. I'm not too worried cuz they cant take any money or possessions from me if I dont have any to take, and they dont have debtor's prisons anymore. My mom's all freaking out cuz her BR went badly. Only problem is affording the costs of the bankruptcy. I think I can get legal aid to help.

I'm still waiting on my check AND textbooks from the school. They're lucky theyre based in Albany or I'd be there kicking their asses.

I've lost 20 pounds already. Im close to needing to go down a jean size. I have a lot of energy, too much actually, I've constantly manic. If my school books were here I'd be way ahead. I hardly sleep at night. If I wake up to pee I cant fall back asleep. Smoking P helps me to fall asleep but not stay asleep. And if there's no P then there's no sleep.... My dreams ar eout of control. I hear my name being screamed and I wake up but it was just in my dream. Once I start exercising I think I should be able to sleep. These calories Im burning need some place to go. I feel alright though. Not too much pain in the tummy anymore, pigfucker's dog scrappy jumped up on me and opened up one of the wounds again so it's been sore. My knees are good though. I'm going to start the stretching and bending exercises this week and move on from there. The landlady showed me some nearby trails that I'd be able to push cass's stroller on today. It's about a mile to get to them.

When I was visiting PF (the night his dog jumped me) he had another puppy there, about 5 mos old, lab mix. I told him I'd take her cuz it wa sobvious that they didnt want her. There were three puppies who were left in a trailer and the owners moved. Erin's sister lives near them, I guess Erin's sister has one of the litter mates and some other neighbor rescued one. PF and Erin were trying to do the right thing but they never bothered to potty train Scrappy so I didnt wanna see another good dog go to waste. She's a cutie, all black except the middle toes on the back feet are white. She's houseborken for the most part, nervous and excited pees like all puppies but she scratches the door or nudges us when she needs to go out. She has really bad worms, I've already given her medicine for them that Sue gave me. She also might have some funky skin crap (Sue told me the name but I forgot) cuz after giving her a flea dip and flea meds she still is itching. I'll get her into a vet as soon as I get the check from the school. Plan to do much shopping when the check comes. Anyway she's a sweet doggie and Cassidy loves her.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?