Defining Moments of My Life
fight with Greg, civil service test, keeping the house (?)


fight with Greg, civil service test, keeping the house (?)
03.16.05 10:07 a.m.

I've tried to update but it helps to have a working phone line when you have dial-up service.... I dail out and all I get is a busy signal for every number. I figure the bill hasnt been paid. Seein I only use the phone for the net I figure there's no reason why I should contribute to the phone bill. Anyway... I coulda typed the entries in word and saved them until the phone gets turned back on but then theyre out dated. I also dont like to post more than once a day cuz some readers will miss the first post. I'll play catch up a little bit.

Saturday Greg got wayyyy fucked up. He got kicked from the bar around 9:30, we got back to my house where he slept for a while. Around 12:30 am he woke back up and noticed he still had an hour and a half to drink. He wanted me to drive him back to the bar. Actually he kept saying that he wanted to go home, but really he wanted to go to the bar. My house is quite a walk to the bars in the winter, his house is one block away from all the bars downtown. We argued for a while and I tried to wrestle his shoes off of him when he started out the door to walk. He wouldnt have made the walk, would've ended up frozen in a ditch somewhere. The shoe wrestling didnt turn out so well, he shoved me against the fridge and a fight broke out. I wasnt scared at all, I have him by a hundred pounds besides the fact he was too drunk to think... and the whole fight was more funny than serious but he tried to choke me, ONE handed, managed to bruise me OK but it looks more like a hickey than strangle marks. I bit his finger, which turned into a blood blister immediately and he might lose the nail and it's all infected and I hope his finger falls off... I also taught him how to strangle someone "that's not even how you strangle someone you loser, you do it two handed, like THIS!" and I demonstrated... "You see, you cant breath at all right now, AND Im cutting off blood flow to and from your brain, see, your eyes are all big and red and you're about to fall down, THAT'S how you do it, duh!" then I let him go. He has no bruises. I wasnt pressing down that hard. Rick heard the scuffle and came downstairs, saying something about no violence in the house. Greg bolted out the door and I went upstairs. I wasnt going to go after him but I KNEW he'd freeze so I grabbed my coat and got in the car. He was only a few houses down, I ran into him again, harder than the last couple times Ive hit him with the car, and he got inside. He knew I wasnt playing around then. I was half asleep in my pj's when he woke me up to drive him back downtown. Not cool. I took him to the Farm and went inside with him to guilt trip him. He felt pretty bad regardless but still drank a bunch more. He came back to my place that night.

Sunday we were supposed to visit his sister and family but I had to work until 6pm and he was too drunk by then. When I got to the Pick he was winning big at Texas Hold Em, ended up winning $35, (they only do a $5 buy-in). He was all apologies the whole night but wanted to stay at his place. Monday we hung out at the Pick and he didnt come over. He was talkative though. Sometimes I'll be at the bar with him and he wont talk to me at all the whole time. Last night we hung out at the Farm. I wasnt planning on it cuz I was tired and had to get up early this morning for the civil service typing test but I stayed anyway. He was grumpy cuz he's on a different line at work and was having problems with the different equipment he's using now. He talked a lot again. We were watching a Fear Factor rerun and the last stunt was a car crash. The one guy looked totally freaked out and I said that he must not have been in a crash before and Greg said that maybe he was in a REALLY bad one... I asked him if he's ever been in a bad crash and he said he killed someone back in 88. I asked for details but could tell he didnt want to talk about it so I didnt press the issue. Something to talk about hwen he's already drunk and at my house or somewhere private. Or maybe Ill ask his sister about it. He woulda been 19 at the time. Might be a big cause of his drinking now and his reluctance to get his license. I gave some people rides home, which is rough cuz there's only room for one more person other than myself in the car cuz I got tires in the backseat (tires in the trunk too) not to mention the old car battery and countless returnable bottles etc. The one lady offered me coke instead of gas money, I said no thank you and she gave me a banana instead (she had groceries with her), the next person I gave a ride to sat on and flattened the banana. I also didnt wanna give that kid a ride in the first place (lived really close and Greg was waiting on me) but I figured it woulda been easier than forcing his drunk ass outta my car. Greg wanted to stay at his place last night again, he knows Im cooking spaghetti tonight and renting the Ring (he hasnt seen it and we're gonna see the sequel this weekend) so I figured that he needed his private time before coming over tonight. He's weird like that, but I guess it's normal for a guy to want to hang on to some sort of space and not want to commit fully. We were only together two months before I got preggo, that's a big jump in seriousness, even if he was talking marriage before I got preggo. He'd better not blow my plans tonight. I can see him wanting to go to McLane's for an after party or some shit.

The typing test went well. I got to workforce development yesterday to practice the test but the didnt have the same thing so I just did some mavis beacon lessons. I was at intermediate level and typing more than 35 wpm. Some quizzes I did poorly on though, and it worried me. I didnt know what the typing test for the civil servic exam would be like. It was actually WAYYY easy. You could go back and correct anything, using the keyboard or the mouse, and it had a guide line showing where in the text you're at so you dont lose your place or mess up transposition. They also didnt start timing until you started typing so I had the chance to read through half of the text a few times to get sort of a memorization of it. I dont type right at all, I hardly use anything but my pointer finger on my left hand, and in doing the Mavis Beacon quizzes I found out I have no idea where keys like #$^*<+~_)> are from rote memory. The typing test didnt have those in it either. On their test I got a 47 wpm with 2 errors. I woulda done better but because I took the time to nearly memorize the passage before I began typing, the rest of the room finished typing when I was half way through my text so it put me on the spot and made me nervous, I was the only one still typing. The practice test we did this morning wasnt like that, it cut you off after three minutes of typing and we all started and stopped at the same time. I got the same speed on that though, 47 wpm, but I had no errors. The written test was more IQ type questions. Logic shit. Also 15 spelling questions "Which of these if any is misspelled..." I was only unsure of one of them, "illegible" I havent checked the dictionary yet but at first I thought that was what was misspelled, but when I checked again after I was done with the test it looked right, and I couldnt figure out how it woulda been spelled if it were wrong, so I changed my answer to "none of the above". The test had questions like "which of these would be filed third alphabetically" and they had four very similar names. then they had q's like "if you cross out every fourth letter of the alphabet which remaining letter comes six after
k" and questions with comparing long sets of numbers, finding which are different. "6 comes after an even number in this list of numbers how many times?" "How many Ys are in this list of letters where Y doesnt come after X or before Z?" and the list o fletters are all X,Y,Z.... It wasnt that hard, just meticulous. I finished in an hour and I could tell that I made everyone else nervous.

News on the house: The people that wanted to buy the house had their deal on their house fall through so now we're back to square one again. My mom put in an application to redo the mortgage to where the house gets paid off, she can pay off her debt, and most importantly give Rick a few grand and a month to get the hell out. Then she'll move back in. I can rent a room from her if I want, Greg is welcome also. My mom isnt home much, especially seein she's planning a couple weeks in Vegas and then a 6 month trip back to Bataan with work... but generally she works a lot and is out of the house often (gambling at the racino). She'd also split cable, and it'd be good for when the baby comes. there'd be enough rooms for everyone, a nursery too. There's also the option to finish the basement into an apartment for Greg and I. It's actually warm down there. There's a half bathroom and a side entrance down there, but lots of dust and spider webs etc. It wouldnt be too hard for us to fix up. My mom also asked my gramma if she'd like to move in. I mentioned this to Greg and told him to think about it. I ran down all the plusses (no bills in our name, no worries about him losing his job and us not being able to afford rent, my mom babysitting often, keeping the cats etc) so hopefully he sees it's a good idea too.

Pooh Bear ran away from Rosie a couple nights ago. She didnt even try to look for her and didnt tell us about it till we happened to run into her at the bar last night and Rick asked her how Pooh was doing. She didnt seem to care at all and it makes me wonder if she didnt just take her to the pound or give her away and tell us Pooh ran away. I plan on visiting the shelter to see. Rick was planning on calling but with the phone not working.... I'm at the library now, hours almost up too. I guess that's all the catching up I had anyway. Oh, I dont work again till Saturday. Im thinking of putting in an app at Mcdonalds with Gary. They have funt he whole time and dont do shit. He's at $7 an hour too, so I know I can get that. I dont know how long it'll take to get results/ job offers from the test today. I also managed to get a dentist appointment, but its not for over a month. Im thinking of scheduling follow up appointments cuz if it's gonna be every other month that I see him then my teeth wont get all the way fixed before I lose medicaid. I still need to find a pcp, I figure Ill go with my mom and gramma's seein they know the fucked up family health. guess that's all, later.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?