Defining Moments of My Life
you took my time and you took my money


you took my time and you took my money
11.05.06 11:25 p.m.

Let me get this fucken dream otu of my head and then we can get to the good stuff.

I was in some crappy mall. Crappy like Sharpstown Mall in Houston. Half the stores are boarded up and the other half are useless... and this evil demon kept harassing people. I don't remember too many specifics about the dream. I was shopping with cassidy. I'd see ripples in the air and then people would drop to the floor dead. And then I would see their ghosts rise up and start walking around. They were scary at first but then I talked to one and it was cool. They knew they were ghosts but they couldnt see each other until they'd been introduced. The demon was trying to keep the ghosts away from the people but every time he killed someone it made more ghosts. Somewhere we realized that we needed a certain number of ghosts in order for them to over power the demon, and that the mosr powerful the person was the more powerful the ghost would be (like a Jedi or something?). I was trying to build up a barrier to hole up with Cassidy at one point. Black whirls kept sweeoing down from the sky. I didnt have Cassidy, she was with someone else and I was trying to find her. Then the dogs came. These hell hounds had long blades coming out both sides of their mouths and they'd run down the mall hallways slicing people's legs off at the knees. When I woke up it was getting down to most people being dead and me being left knowing that I had to die cuz then the tides would turn, we'd defeat the demon and Cassidy would be spared. Dogs with swords taking off people's legs... that's what I remember. And the feel of lifting plywood over my head to protect against the black swooshy things. anyway...

So I told Greg not to come home tonight. And I told this guy at karaoke that I was single. How long's it gonna take for Greg to get his shit outta here so I can have this guy over for dinner? lol that's why the lady is a tramp.... seriously though, even fucking around, no more mr nice guy, get the fuck out of my house and come back with a court order to see your kid.

Besides Rebel being all over me (as usual, but now it's just silly, I swear he's gonna throw me down and fuck me on the dance floor one of these times), there was this other guy named Joe that I hit it off with. We have a lot in common. Plus he's good looking, has a job, and isn't a drunk.... He didn't offer to buy me a birthday shot/drink though and I think he doesn't have a lot of money or maybe he didn't bring much out with him. Greg is so fucked if I don't let him back in tomorrow. His sister said that I oughtta throw him out and that she isn't going to let him stay there again either. It's his choice though. He was a complete fucking asshole to me all weekend. Taking him back was a disaster and now I know why I've never given anybody a second chance in the past. I want to say that I never will again but I'd let Geoff break my heart all over again if he wanted to. I'm excited for tomorrow to get all Greg's shit into a bin and out on the porch & call Geoff to tell him Greg is officially gone. I don't think anything will happen between Geoff and I again, he's too hung up on his wife. he keeps saying she won't take him back, and I say that she's taken back a million other times, of course she will again, he says no, not this time... and this is the same shit he told me before he got back with her when he and I were together.... He's got over a week sober. He won't ever be over her, it would never work. I'd always be #2. It's hard being around Geoff and thinking to myself "no dont watch him bend over" or "why'd you tell him he looks sexy in his carhardt and working boots, idiot!" (but man did he... and what I actually said to him was "if you put on a tool belt I'm gonna rape you" to which he replied "I got one in the truck!" and I covered my eyes and said "EEP!" but I digress, my whole plan was to talk about Joe. That was the best convo I've had in ages. He's got my number, we'll see if he calls.

So what's been up with Greg, we had been getting a long lately. Then we got out friday and he was being a super jerk. Well before that we got a huge bag of weed for $30, the same shit we shoulda stole... and I threw in $10, my LAST $10... and Greg gave me a tiny piece. Then Friday he ignored me while we were out, went over to the Farmer's, refused to have me as his pool partner, then when I finally get someone who'll have me he talks so much shit about my pool game that the lady says nevermind and finds a different partner... when really I'm pretty OK at pool, and Greg knew how bored I was and how much I'd been wanting to play. then he knew I had a tab at the Pick but he didnt want to go there yet he wouldnt buy me any drinks. Everything's gotta be a fight and argument, he just wont do something for me. Gary and Erin's friend was looking for smoke so I called Greg at the pick to see what he had on him and he expected us to come up there. He tells me on the phone that he doesnt think he has even a $20 bag left. I ask what the hell happened to all the smoke and he doesnt answer me, as ususal, it's rare that he answers me, he's almost as bad as Eric was (now he was a rude mother fucker). When we go down there he says that he wants $45 for whats left in the bag and no I cant weigh it. We looked at it and it looked like a skimpy eighth plus it'd been in and out of his pocket all weekend so it was all shakey. We decided not to get it for the friend and I asked for the rest of my share. Greg said I got my share the other night (not even a bowl pack) and that what's left is for sale. I said then give me some for my birthday and he said that it wasnt midnight yet. He got all up in my face too. he knows this was my shitty ass birthday night out, and that I was only getting to do one song at karaoke cuz we had to get Cass by 10pm, plus he knows I gotta be stoned to sing well so he knew how important it was to me. I flushed his hat in the men's toilet then had to go back in for my coat. On the way out he was fishing his hat out of the toilet saying "you're how old???" and I was carrying out some chili I'd ordered earlier so I flung that all over him too, and that's when I told him not to bother coming home. Pigfucker's friend showed up and after not being able to find anything from anyone else she wanted us to go back down to the bar so she could look at it. We still couldnt weigh it but Greg said it was 3.5 grams. Alright then, we'll give you $35 for it. Well their friend only had $30 cuz she'd bought a round by that time. I was supposed to be getting $5 from Greg when he sold the bag (to reimburse me for the ten I threw in on it) so he took the $30 for it and didn't give me the 5. When we got back to PF's we weighed it and it was pretty close to 4, and the shit's really good so she shoulda paid $40 for it. i got jipped too because I didn't get any smoke or cash and it was a huge pain in the ass doing all htat, plus fighting with Greg etc. I asked him how he was getting home and he said "I was told not to go home tonight, I made arrangements to sleep elsewhere." I told him if he was at his sister's when I pick cass up then he can have a ride home. After I picked Cass up at ten I called to tell him I had the kid and was going home and he said "so, what'd you need to call n tell me that for?" so there's three strikes right there, c ya later douche bag. I was sick of watching him kill himself anyway. at least be more creative.

Always remember to quit while you're ahead.

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About Me
I am a bipolar genius, child abuse & addiction survivor, who is now a single mother who works 70 hours a week and has had gastric-bypass weight loss surgery a year ago. Wish me luck cuz I need it!!!

Examples of My Insanity
Dead On Mental Health Quiz
Tuna Noodle Casserole Story
Explaining Myselves
Biting Off Redneck's Finger
Got So Crazy Scratched Til I Bled
How I Found Nirvana
Leaving Lon After 7 Years
Bad Luck On 3 July 4ths
Random Craziness (FBI Please Disregard)
How I Ended Up A Junky
Almost Getting Raped by a Marine
Typical Weekend in Ohio
How Cobain Saved My Life

How long could we maintain? I wondered. How long until one of us starts raving and jabbering at this boy? What will he think then? This same lonely desert was the last known home of the Manson family; will he make that grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the car? If so, well, we'll just have to cut his head off and bury him somewhere, 'cause it goes without saying that we can't turn him loose. He'd report us at once to some kind of outback Nazi law enforcement agency and they'll run us down like dogs. Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?